Friday, October 28, 2011

Bewitching Trick-Or-Treat Blog Hop

Happy Halloween, everyone, and welcome to the Bewitching Trick-or-Treat Blog Hop! I don't know about you, but this is absolutely one of my favorite holidays. I've always been a huge fan of anything paranormal, so it makes sense that this time of year would be right up my alley. There's just something about the general spookiness of the season that gives me the happy shivers. And when else can we dress up and not have folks look at us askance? As a kid, I remember how much fun it was deciding what my costume would be. Most of the time my costumes would be homemade, and I had to be creative with putting them together. Probably my all time favorite was when I was in high school, and decided to go as a mad scientist, and my best friend was my "experiment". I was able to borrow a lab coat from my science teacher and I dumped a whole bottle of baby powder in my hair--which by the way, I don't recommend because it's a bugger to get out and makes you look like you've got a wicked case of dandruff. But I digress.

So on to my contest...                                                  

For your chance to win an epically cool Zombie Smuthound tote bag designed by the brilliant Kyla Holt of Kyla Novelista fame that's filled with author swag, candy and an autographed copy of That Voodoo You Do, just leave me a comment with what your favorite Halloween costume of all time would be. Sorry, due to shipping costs, this contest is limited to US and Canda, but any International entrants can enter for a digital copy of That Voodoo You Do. Winner will be picked and posted at end of blog hop, so be sure to include an email address for me to contact you in your comments. Thanks and good luck!

Also, don't forget to click on the Blog Hop graphic to move on to the next stop on the hop!


Eva's Flowers said...

That sounds like an awesome costume! I always wanted to dress up as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, but I never got the opportunity, maybe one of these years I will :)


Drea Becraft said...

YEAH! By the way love the new cover so when your done with him send him my way lol.

I am going to be a masqurade (We both know I suck at spelling lol) girl in read black and white.

I wishe we lived closer together we could so party lol.

*yadkny* said...

Hi Jodi!

I think my favorite of all time would be when I dressed up as a can-can girl. I don't think that one will ever really go out of style, but it's definitely not suitable for the work environment:)

Carol L. said...

I think my best one was when I dressed as Charlie Chaplin and not even my husband recognized me. It was amazing.Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

gigis said...

The one I had the most fun in would be the year we dressed as gangsters from the 20's...not really original but it was the funnest Halloween I ever had :)

gigi s


trinity said...

Me, me,me please! My favorite costume was cher you can do anything with cher! :)
Trinity Blacio

GzNKz4evr said...

As a sucker for historical romance, I would love to be decked out as one of the "ton" heading to a masquerade ball - so ball gown, dripping in expensive jewels, hair curly and intertwined with ribbons, and a domino. Fricking EPIC as far as I am concerned! *nods*

I can't wait until GFWYD comes out! Hawt cover and LOVE the fact that he's packin' - yeah! That way too! *snerk*

Happy Halloween Jodi!

Jennifer Mathis said...

my favorite was when I went as a sexy vampire. It made me feel super sexy

Nay Nay said...

Pick me! Pick Me! Please, please, please pick me!

I think I would love to be a flapper from the roaring twenties. I have the booty for it. ha ha.
Having a hopping good time! It’s great visiting with old friends and finding new authors and books to add to my wish list. <^_^>

Thank you for being part of the hop AND for the chance to win!

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Elaine G said...

One year I dressed up as Beetlejuice.My friend did the costume and help me get ready.
Thanks for the giveaway

Bea's Book Nook said...

I want that bag!!!!!

Ahem. I would dress as The Wicked Witch of the West from the movie version of The Wizard of Oz.

Unknown said...

My favorite costume of mine was when me and a friend went as Bonnie and Clyde.

Lucy Felthouse said...

I haz a sad cos I can't win the swag, but I'd still love to enter the contest!

Have a great Halloween!

lucy at lucyfelthouse dot co dot uk

Lisa said...

The only costume I remember wearing (I was 5) was Glinda the Good Witch of the North from The Wizard of Oz. If I dressed up now, I would probably go as a vampiress. Never goes out of style.

Wolphcall (at) bellsouth (dot) net

Elizabeth Morgan said...

It's a times like this I hate living on the otherside of the pond. But awesome contest and I would loooove an ebook copy of That vodoo you do.

I dressed up as a fairy once. Made myself some wings out of this pink net stuff. Lots of glitter on the face and a white dress... I was 18 at the time so it may have been a little disturbing for kids, but I had fun : P

Elizabeth-Morgan (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween!
This year, I plan to dress up as an escaped mental patient: hospital gown, hair standing out from my head, crazy makeup. I want to surprize the kids coming to the door for candy!

susan said...

I am dressing up in my natural state..a witch. Well some may agree with me in that comment but I am really a sweet person who just loves to joke around. I love your prize for this and sure wish I could put some spell on who ever picks the winner ..course the spell would be to get my name. ha ha Since I really can't put spells on..I will just keep hoping to be lucky. ha ha Happy Halloween susan Leech

Jennifer S said...

I think it would be pretty cool to dress up as a Renaissance Lady. I have always loved those dresses.

Thanks so much for the chance to win such an awesome prize package! (at)

Julianne said...

I'd like to be a pirate wench. Arrg mateys and shiver me timbers. I love pirates. The Tampa Bay Bucceneers and the Oakland Raiders. The Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Orlando Bloom, be still my heart.
Arrrgh!!! Now gimme all the candy.

Jennifer Irving said...

If I was skinny enough, and had the money, I would love the full medieval dress as a costume!

jennirv4967 at gmail dot com

mnjcarter said...

My personal favorite was the Raggedy Ann and Andy costume my mom made for me and my brother when we were little. My daughter wore it a few years ago!!

Thanks for the chance!!

geschumann said...

I loved going as a sexy anything when college age. It was fun meeting people in costume, especially when you couldn't see their face. It was kind of exciting. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

geschumann at live dot com

Rae M. said...

I would love to one year dress up in a full steampunk outfit. It would be so cool to have the fun dress, the corset mixed in with goggles, boots and all the tech!

Maybe one year.


June M. said...

If I had the figure to do so, I would love to dress up as a succubus. But my favorite that I dressed up as was a scarecrow.
US resident
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Fedora said...

My favorite was a friend's Princess Leia gown from when we were in elementary school--she even had the perfect hair for the big "cinnamon bun" whorls :) That and my kids when they were little enough to wear the plump pumpkin costume--not much cuter than a round-cheeked baby in a round orange outfit :D

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Shadow said...

Happy Halloween! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Ive always wanted to dress up in a victorian dress with mask. That would be my all time favorite, wish costume. lol

Jodi Redford said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by and participating in the blog hop! Random.Org has picked two winners, and they are...

Lucy Felthouse from the UK and Shadow Kohler!!

Congrats, ladies! I'll be contacting you both about your prizes, so keep an eye out for my email. :)