Saturday, December 15, 2012

Interview with Cover Model Christy Faulkner + Giveaway!

Hi everyone, and welcome to the Saturday edition of the Christmas Blog Party. We're starting a new week, so you know what that means--a new weekly giveaway from moi! This week's prize is 3 $10 GCs from All Romance Ebooks. To get on this giveaway, just make sure and comment on all of this week's posts. And if you haven't already, make sure to comment on the posts from last week too to get in your entries for the big $100 Amazon GC giveaway. Here's a handy dandy link of all current posts.

I'm super excited to introduce you to today's special guest, cover model Christy Faulkner. Not only is Christy a rapidly rising star in the cover industry, she's also an absolute sweetheart. If you aren't already following her on Facebook, do yourself a favor and friend her. Her pics are always gorgeous, and she's such a hoot! But you'll discover that first hand with interview. :)

So without further ado, please welcome Christy!

When did you first get involved in modeling, and was there a particular “aha” moment that made you decide it was a field you wanted to pursue? 

Modeling had always been a dream of mine, but I never really knew how to get started. Two years ago when I came across a random audition for a Paul Mitchell Hair show in St. Louis I was desperate to get out of town for a couple days and I figured if I made the show that this would be a good enough reason to get a small vacation with my fiance’. It worked!!!! :) I fell in love with modeling and I’ve been doing it ever since!

What is the most fun/crazy/enjoyable modeling job you’ve been on?

Actually it was the photo shoot for the books covers that I am on!!! I had never shot with a guy so it was new for me. Of course, it couldn’t be with just one man who had his clothes on, it had to be up to 4 guys with no shirts and me in lingerie!! But I would do it again… and again… and again in a heart beat!!! Just sayin…

(You lucky, lucky girl. ;) )

What led to you becoming a book cover model? 

It actually happened very randomly lol… I got a message on Model Mayhem from Hot Damn Designs and they had chose me to shoot with them. They were looking for a red head and I guess my photos on my profile were what they were looking for. I was so flattered that they chose me, but I still didn’t know exactly what I was in for when it came to the shoot lol… But I’m soooooo happy that they picked me!!!!

I might be a bit biased, but I think the cover for Checking It Twice is the most gorgeous and sexy in the history of ALL TIME. But I know a lot of hard work goes on behind the scenes that authors and readers don’t know about. Could you take us through a brief tour of what your day is like when preparing for and doing a shoot? Are you given any background on the books you’re posing for, or is it a case of winging the characters?

When I arrived I was put in hair and makeup right away. What was nice is that they don’t do a lot of fancy or crazy things when it comes to the hair or makeup because they want you to look very natural. I really enjoyed not having to spend hours upon hours in hair and makeup for once. As far as wardrobe goes, it was so neat! A lot of costume type of dresses and one dress I wore was actually from the 1940’s!!! It was so pretty!!! I’m actually wearing it on another cover that I am on. I wasn’t told what looks or pictures would make a cover or not so I wasn’t given any type of background unfortunately. As far as my job goes, I just have to pretend that I am a lover to the man I’m shooting with and when there is more than one guy then I get into the character pretty easily. You kind of have to in order to make it believable. I felt really bad for the guys though because they would do pushups right before a shoot and then during the shoot they would have to flex everything the entire time to a point where they will start shaking!!! You would never know that because the guys are soooo good at what they do that they can keep their face relaxed at the same time.

Is there a particular cover or modeling gig that you’re most proud of?

I honestly don’t. I’m so proud of myself for every cover that I am on. I am new at this so I have only made it on 4 covers so far, but it happens so fast that I can’t wait to actually buy these books in the store!!!

Is there anyone that you would love to work with?

No not necessarily. I’m just so happy with everything that I have done, the people I meet and that I have been blessed to have the opportunities that I have been given.

I know you have a ton of fans out there, and I’m sure you get a lot of readers recognizing you from the covers of their favorite books. Any stories to share there? 

Well since I’m new I haven’t had too many things happen to me quite yet, but one. I was in a casting and one of the covers I am on is blown up to an 11x16 photo in my portfolio. One of the designers said, “Hey I’ve seen you before on covers!”  That was super cool!!! It definitely made my day!!! I’m hoping I get that more and more as the books start showing up in the stores.

 I always reward myself after finishing a book. Long naps and eating my body weight in chocolate, usually. Is there anything special you do after a shoot?

Oh my God YES!!! I will try, the key word here is TRY, to be good about 4-5 days before a shoot or an audition and cut back on salt and pop and eat healthier. I’m a HUGE pop drinker as well as Red Bull. Then immediately after the shoot or audition I will probably be pulling through McDonalds and ordering a number 1 (Big Mac) with a large coke and a hot fudge sundae :)

(A woman after my own  heart!)

What sort of health, exercise and diet regimen do you use to keep yourself in such prime shape? I’m thinking eating your weight in chocolate isn’t so much an option. ;)

Believe it or not I really don’t exercise. I know I’m terrible lol… I would just rather go out with my friends and dance the night away!!! That’s my kind of exercise. I get bored easily so running on a treadmill isn’t my cup of tea. I’ve tried it and I could swear to you that I had been on there for hours and then I will look at the timer and it will say 3 minutes. Uh, so over it.

Do you have any special hobbies that you enjoy in between jobs?

I like to do speeches at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the University of Cincinnati Hospital on my lung disease. I have Cystic Fibrosis and my whole reasoning behind modeling is to show people no matter what they are going through or battling that they can still fulfill their dreams and do what they want to do. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from your dreams!!! :)

(Fabulous words to live by! Bravo to you for being such an inspiration to others! LOVE that. :) ) 

The most romantic thing you’ve ever done or had done for you?

Well I have been with my fiance’ for over 7 years and when we first met I let him know how obsessed I was with The Phantom of the Opera. So for Christmas that year he handed me a huge box. As I’m opening it I realized there were layers to it. I first pulled out the movie, then I pulled out the monkey music box, then I see a letter. The letter was actually sealed with wax just like in the movie. It was the most romantic letter I have ever had wrote to me, not that I’ve had all kinds of men write love letters to me, but then I dig deeper and it’s two front row tickets to the show when it was in Cincinnati. He had bought me the most gorgeous black gown to wear and we even met the actor who played the phantom in the play after the show!!! Ahhhhhh memories.

(Do I hear a collective SWOON? That boy is a keeper. ;) )

With Christmas right around the corner, can you share with us any special traditions you have for the holiday? A special, cherished memory?

My family really doesn’t have traditions. Were just the typical family who meets at a family members house, gossip, laugh and eat until we are in a food coma.

Can you share a tidbit about yourself that would shock and amaze us? You’re really a wizard? A werewolf? A werewolf wizard? 

I may be a wizard… just sayin… Something that may shock and amaze you is that I have 5 tattoos. One on my upper back, left rib cage, right wrist, in my lower lip and on my uh…. Butt… hahaha yes my little ol’ butt… I can be a little wild. What is it of you ask?! The world may never know… 

(I have ways of torturing information out of you. Just sayin...;) )

Any exciting news your fans should know about? Upcoming functions or conventions you’ll be attending?

Yes!!! I’m actually putting on my own charity fashion show!!! I’m soooo excited about this!!! I have been wanting to do it for years, but now I am finally comfortable enough to where I can pull it off! My show is going to be a little different than what people are used to. The models in my show are ALL going to have some type of illness or disability. Like I said earlier, I want people who are battling something to still go after their dream regardless of what they have. I have some great people who are helping me along with the process because there is no way I could do this alone. I’m trying to have it sometime in April or May so keep your eyes and ears open!!! It’s going to be amazing :)

(Woohoo! Not only is this such a fabulous concept, it sounds like it will be an amazing event! Definitely keep us posted.)

The death-defying lightening round of random questions:

If you could be any character from a book or movie, who would you be?
I wouldn’t mind being Neytiri from the movie Avatar. I loved that movie and that character.

If you could only eat one thing for an entire week, it would be?
Velveeta Macaroni and Cheese!!!!!! I love it!!! The shell kind though lol… It has to be the shell kind.

Top on your list of must see places?
I would love to visit Fiji!!! I think it is absolutely gorgeous!!! I want to stay in a hut on the water and away from any civilization for a couple days. Having quiet and alone time is so nice to have when you feel like you are constantly on the run and busy.

Favorite holiday?
It has to be St. Patrick’s Day!!! Keg and eggs baby!!! With green beer :)

Would you rather travel back in time, or into the future?
I can’t get enough of Dinosaurs, believe it or not, so I would want to travel back in time to see them face to face, as long as they don’t eat me.

The one song you don’t know the lyrics to but you sing along with anyway? Double points if you make up words.
Definitely Coolio, Gangsters paradise. I have heard that song for as long as I can remember and I still don’t know all the words, but I swear I always think I do!!!

Your superpower, if you had one?
I would love the power to snap my fingers and the whole entire house is spotless!!!! I HATE cleaning and feel like I constantly am doing it all the time!!! I’m a neat freak though so that doesn’t help at all!!!!  Or that I can become invisible… That’s always a good one too :)

Thank you so much for the awesome interview, Christy! Folks, if you have any questions for Christy or just want to give her a virtual wave, then fire away. Depending on her schedule, she might not be able to pop by, but I know she'd love to hear from you. Plus your comments count toward the giveaways, so double bonus!


laurie said...

i'd adore having the ability to move objects with my mind

pgeorgiap said...

"I read about this hop on your newsletter!"

Thank you!!!

Unknown said...

I read about this hop on your newsletter! It's really neat to get some insight behind book's cover models! I'm so envious that you can eat McDonald's and drink pop, look like that, & not exercise!! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

It's fun to hear the behind-the-scenes dirt on shoots, and Christy sounds like someone who'd be entertaining to hang out with!


Lacey T said...

I read about this hop on your newsletter! It's so great to see an interview with a cover model :)

Lasha said...

Great interview! From one redhead to another - love your pictures. Gingers rule. :)

mslasha at gmail dot com

Jyl22075 said...

I love getting the inside scoop on the cover model shoots! Fun interview!

JYL22075 at gmail dot com

Urb said...

I don't think I've ever read an interview with a cover model. As someone who is book cover crazy, this was a real treat! Thank you both, very informative and fun.

brendurbanist at gmail dot com

Urb said...

I don't think I've ever read an interview with a cover model. As someone who is book cover crazy, this was a real treat! Thank you both, very informative and fun.

brendurbanist at gmail dot com

Deb PelletierC said...

I read about this hop on your newsletter. ;-)
Thanks for the giveaway.

Elaine G said...

Great interview ladies.
And thanks a lot, I now have that song stuck in my ;)


June M. said...

Nice interview. It is great that you have not let your CF interfer with your dreams. I could love the super-power of cleaning with the snap of a finger too :)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

bas1chs said...

I like meeting the cover models especially if they are on a variety of genre covers. Kind of like to see if one may match their off-cover personality more than another or not. LOL
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

bn100 said...

Very fun interview.


Joanne said...

Thanks for the great interview. It's great that you don't let your CF get in your way.


ceagles said...

That was a nice interview. Hope you both have a Happy Holiday!.


Booksrforever123 said...

happy holidays everyone

Unknown said...

I read about the hop in Our newletter. Nice interveiw.